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[Untitled] (4) (dragged) 14.pdf
Reflection of difficult times in Ni's life during COVID and the feelings of hardship for what was affecting other people and families. This item was contributed in person to a collective binder at the exhibition Picturing the Pandemic: Images from…

A mixed media piece of visual art representing the struggles (mental, emotional, & physical) of a teenager during Covid-19 remote learning.

Deep Breath represents the struggles of a teen seeing my classmates behind a screen in 2020-2021. Along…

A personal essay describing the student's experience during Covid-19 remote learning.

A hand drawn illustration depicting two key elements of covid-19 (for this student): online learning and mask wearing.

Judi Scott SCVC Interview 9-30-20 (1).mp3
Interview conducted between Sophia Richter and Judi about her experience during covid. She discusses challenges in the school system, Black Lives Matter activism in South County, and adapting to using technology in her daily life.



Charlotte describes how she felt in the hours counting down to the performance of her high school musical

WMS_Ian Haley.pdf
How Ian spent time during COVID-19

Image of the gymnasium at Winman Middle School and the name of the school mascot - Warriors.

This video was created for a social studies assignment given to help the De La Salle 8th grade students reflect on the unusual and historic situation brought about by the COVID 19 pandemic. One goal of the project was to give the students a way to…
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