Browse Items (67 total)

An illustration and poem comparing and contrasting the characteristics of Covid-19 and the Black Death.

An illustration and poem comparing and contrasting the characteristics of Covid-19 and the Black Death.

Margaret Mashamba - Part III Unit 1 Assessment.pdf
A personal essay exploring the march of the Black Death in comparison to the spread of Covid-19.

A personal essay describing the student's experience during Covid-19 remote learning.

I Blame the Quarantine Full Website as pdfs.pdf
Keep the Window Wide: I Blame the Quarantine is a project that I began the moment classes at Rhode Island College were shifted to online learning March, 2020. I'm an English professor at RIC, and I teach creative writing. I wanted to be sure not to…

Gilded Imagination 4_23.pdf
"Gilded Imagination" is about one of my favorite architects, Stanford White (a terribly flawed human being but a genius nevertheless). Few artists have had as great an impact on RI as White who designed countless gorgeous buildings throughout the…

Inspired by Lynda Barry’s COVID diary, which appeared in the New York Times on May 8th 2020, I decided to keep my own collage diary. I began with the simple prompt, “When did this become real for you?” Some chaotic impressions tumble out on that…

Post-pandemic Journal June 23 .pdf
I tried to make the June issue, one that summed up my four-years of confrontation with difficult times for humanity—still proceeding with the Ukraine war which I explore in a one-act play.

Post-pandemic Journal May 23.pdf
A creative writing and journal project. Although my tales are rather fanciful, I have still tried to express what my mind has gone through during the years of Covid-19. I was particularly interested in what estrangement does to us—and in particular…

Ghost of Sherlock Journal March 23 .pdf
I am interested in creating imaginative diversions and comments on society as it is evolving during this strange period of the Ukraine war as well as a culture war at home. This is indirectly referred to in this March issue.
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