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5th grade_2020.jpg
Julie Nora, the Director of th International Charter School, asked parent and artist Forrest Curl to create a special image for the 5th graders to commemorate this unique year to graduate. Each 5th grader was given the image and it dons their…

Chalk illustration of four ants carrying a piece of watermelon. To the right are the words "Accomplishing more together". Artist unknown.

I made receipts for a book swap with Aaron M today to help keep track of our loans to one another. He lent me "Ten Acres Enough" and I lent him "A Sand County Almanac"

Surrounding the solitary brazier are a field of luminaria, each memorializing a Rhode Island soul lost to COVID-19. Beginning on April 16, 2020, the community is invited to join at 8:30 p.m. EDT each evening as we honor and celebrate the lives of…

4.22.20 BeaconOFHope-1-Photograph-by-Barnaby-Evans CROPPED FOR WEB.jpg
The WaterFire Beacon of Hope is a dynamic art installation where a single brazier illuminates the Main Hall of the WaterFire Arts Center representing a beacon of hope looking forward to the time when we can all gather together again in the heart of…

This minicomic documents a trip to the Whole Foods grocery store on North Main Street in Providence during the time of COVID-19

Creating art is an easy way to lose myself for an hour or two. No online meetings, no emails, a break from the stress of working from home. This charcoal drawing is titled "Miles to Go" and is a combination shout out to Robert Frost and a comment on…

Toy Theater- Isolating Together.mp4
I created this toy theater as a personal response to being isolated inside, away from friends and collaborators. It was a way to imagine a later, as both a theater-maker and a human, and stew on what we can learn from this virus and its impact.

Everyday battle we face begging away from family and friends. Wondering if our unemployment check will cover our bills. It's the inability to control our living situation
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