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5th grade_2020.jpg
Julie Nora, the Director of th International Charter School, asked parent and artist Forrest Curl to create a special image for the 5th graders to commemorate this unique year to graduate. Each 5th grader was given the image and it dons their…

The URI Counseling Center staff found a fun and "friendly" way to let students know that, "We Are Here For You" We re-wrote and recorded the lyrics/music to the Friends theme song, put our egos aside and got a little silly -- all to put a smile on…

Minuet in G final.mp4
This is a performance of Minuet in G played remotely on and recorded live using Zoom.

Este documento es una lista de extractos de la correspondencia con las familias de los estudiantes de preescolar durante el aprendizaje a distancia. Queríamos reconocer todo su compromiso y trabajo duro para continuar el aprendizaje y el crecimiento…

families, recognizing.pdf
This document is a list of excerpts from correspondence with Preschool students' families during Distant Learning. We wanted to recognize all of their commitment and hard work to continuing their children's learning and growth during this difficult…

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