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A mixed media piece of visual art representing the struggles (mental, emotional, & physical) of a teenager during Covid-19 remote learning.

Deep Breath represents the struggles of a teen seeing my classmates behind a screen in 2020-2021. Along…

A symbolic comparison of Covid-19 with the Black Death: two sets of related symbols chosen to compare the two pandemics - masks, herbs, & sanitizer.

Jack Lou.pdf
One face displays two doctor faces from two different pandemics: Bubonic Plague & Covid-19. The left side is the face and mask of a European plague doctor and the right side is that of a 2020s masked, doctor.

Queer Archive Infographic.pdf
A collage depicting the isolation of lockdown and remote learning during Covid-19; connected to the solidary and digital unity of the share experience.

My experience with Covid learning was largely bad. I struggled to pay attention in…

A personal essay describing the student's experience during Covid-19 remote learning.

A hand drawn illustration comparing and contrasting the Black Death with the Bubonic Plague.

A hand drawn illustration depicting two key elements of covid-19 (for this student): online learning and mask wearing.

An illustration fused with digital images from the Covid-19 era; depicting the overwhelming experience of digital connection during lockdowns. Artist encourages viewers to zoom in on the various screens.

Westminster St after the
An overview of boarded up storefronts on Westminster St.

Covid alert.jpeg
Schools closing for two weeks. Governor Raimondo press conference.
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