Deep Breath



Deep Breath


A mixed media piece of visual art representing the struggles (mental, emotional, & physical) of a teenager during Covid-19 remote learning.

Deep Breath represents the struggles of a teen seeing my classmates behind a screen in 2020-2021. Along with the efforts of learning on zoom, I touched on the impact online learning had on sleep, my mental health, and the time lost during this period. I represented sleep in my art with the association of counting sheep. While they get shot the opportunity for rest shrinks because of constantly being on a screen. Without getting the sleep that was so desperately needed, my mental health began to decline which often left me breaking down during classes. The best way I can describe the way time went by, is that it felt almost stolen from me. Each day felt copied and pasted from the previous, which left me feeling robbed of new experiences I could have had during that time. My struggles during online learning are not the same as everyone else's, but I hope Deep Breath was able to communicate something that words couldn't.


Jocelyn Brochu


November 2022


Jocelyn Brochu, “Deep Breath,” Rhode Island COVID-19 Archive, accessed October 5, 2024,

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