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This student work is the result of an assignment in the 6th grade classrooms of the Barrington Middle School's Lime Cluster Students who were asked to complete a weekly journal documenting how COVID 19 was impacting their lives from March-June during…
This student work is the result of an assignment in the 6th grade classrooms of the Barrington Middle School's Lime Cluster Students who were asked to complete a weekly journal documenting how COVID 19 was impacting their lives from March-June during…
This student work is the result of an assignment in the 6th grade classrooms of the Barrington Middle School's Lime Cluster Students who were asked to complete a weekly journal documenting how COVID 19 was impacting their lives from March-June during…
This student work is the result of an assignment in the 6th grade classrooms of the Barrington Middle School's Lime Cluster Students who were asked to complete a weekly journal documenting how COVID 19 was impacting their lives from March-June during…
This student work is the result of an assignment in the 6th grade classrooms of the Barrington Middle School's Lime Cluster Students who were asked to complete a weekly journal documenting how COVID 19 was impacting their lives from March-June during…

within a day it comes to pass that I can no longer do the things I do. can't work because classes are cancelled. can't see p because level 3 protocols. can't and can't and can't. me and millions of others. alone not alone.
first of a series of…

Signage on Prospect Park announcing restrictions

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