Our project is about rat behavior in COVID-19. Our final project is a short comic about the adventures of a rat named Fredrick. He is living a happy life with his colony until one day, their only reliable source of food, a local restaurant, closes…
For as long as we can remember, we’ve been checking books out of libraries: our school libraries, our public libraries, and even libraries we’ve cultivated in our own homes. But, in addition to books, we realize that libraries are hubs for hundreds…
We looked at how restaurants have been affected by COVD. We interviewed Om Devkota, Rick Simone and Kristen Adamo, who are connected to the restaurant industry. We created a documentary that explains how COVD has caused restaurant businesses to adapt…
This is a personal podcast about me where I talk about how I was affected during this tough time and what I did. Even though there were lots of troubles I found out a fun way to do them during quarantine.
Our project talks about the small businesses of Providence and what they have gone through in order to succeed. We interviewed three businesses and we got very different answers from each individual.
Our project is about refugees who come to the US, specifically in search of a job, and what unemployment means in the case of serious medical issues and pandemics. The specific case we studied was Mr. Kah, who is a Liberian refugee who came to the US…
Our project is about refugees who come to the US, specifically in search of a job, and what unemployment means in the case of serious medical issues and pandemics. The specific case we studied was Mr. Kah, who is a Liberian refugee who came to the US…
This podcast is designed to start conversations about Beautiful Day and similar organizations. We give the basic information about Beautiful Day and what they do but we want to provoke conversations about their work.