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Sign asking people to social distance while fishing

Little Compton Simmons Mill Pond Preserve early April LCHS.JPG
Signs like this are placed near outdoor areas in town where people are walking. This one was at the entrance to Simmons Mill Pond Preserve .

Our trips to stores, work, family functions will be done 6ft away from each other.
(1st day / re-opening Rhode Island)

The Southside Community Land Trust's annual plant sale switched to online ordering and drive-through pickup. Each customer had an appointment time, and the plants were placed in their trunk by staff.

The Southside Community Land Trust's annual plant sale switched to online ordering and drive-through pickup. Each customer had an appointment time, and the plants were placed in their trunk by staff.

In spite of the Coronavirus, people are still Reaching out to those in need.

COVID sucker punch_72.jpg
One of the pages of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020. In this case, we see Trump giving the Statue of Liberty a punch in the face, showing his disdain for our American values.

Support for Healthcare Workers.JPG
A yard sign reads "We support our healthcare workers"

Inspired by a local business who gave away hundreds of bouquets, staff and volunteers at the little Compton Historical Society cut approximately 25 daffodil bouquets and left them on the Stonewall in front of the museum on April 11. Within two hours…
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