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The Southside Community Land Trust has been creating signage for community gardens describing safety practices for gardeners. These signs are in the languages most commonly spoken by the gardeners at Manton Bend.

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We wrote this open letter in June 2020 to Womxn of Color in Rhode Island, 3 months after RI declared a state of emergency due to COVID-19, and in the midst of the national uprisings against structural racism and the police murders of George Floyd,…

Murals on Westminster St.

Surprisingly, we had a snow storm but it melted by end of day

Hola! Mi nombre es Ana Herrera. Tengo 44 años de edad con una bella familia de 3 hijos y una nietecita de 3 añitos; tengo un diagnostico de cancer de ceno el cual me descubrieron en junio del 2019. A principio de abril 2020 toda mi familia y yo nos…

Parents watch a high school girls soccer game from the sidewalk after Governor Raimondo restricted spectators from attending youth sports games and practices.

Neighbors catch-up from a safe distance.

Wishing stone farm announced that they had set up a system for contacts socially distance vegetable buying. The event was in Enormously successful. The line stretched from the Farm stand to the road. This is currently on going.
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