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During the stay-at-home order, my dining room has been converted into a home office / sewing room / greenhouse. I'm very lucky to have a view past my vegetable seedlings & neighbors houses to get a glimpse of the Providence River. For the past…

families, recognizing.pdf
This document is a list of excerpts from correspondence with Preschool students' families during Distant Learning. We wanted to recognize all of their commitment and hard work to continuing their children's learning and growth during this difficult…

Este documento es una lista de extractos de la correspondencia con las familias de los estudiantes de preescolar durante el aprendizaje a distancia. Queríamos reconocer todo su compromiso y trabajo duro para continuar el aprendizaje y el crecimiento…

We need glasses

Provide your picture and we put it on a tulip background. We partnered with to bring this to our customers since they can't walk through the fields.

There are a number of large old trees in my yard, and while working from home over the past few months I've been able to observe all of the local wildlife more closely. I was never a birdwatcher before, but lately I've been awed by the variety of…

People around the country are putting bears in their windows for children (or anyone) to look for while outside in their neighborhoods. This window on Harrison Street in Providence is, however, full of giraffes, making for a fun sight while out on a…

I've had my sewing machine for many years, but it's taken on a new meaning during the pandemic as I've been making masks. My fabric stash - usually used for quilts - is now being used to make masks for family, neighbors and friends. It's hard to…

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Another contributor who's discovered the joy of birdwatching as a result of the current state of affairs! My fiancé and I recently moved to Burrillville so it's woodsy and full of critters around our house, including so many beautiful birds. We've…
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