This podcast is designed to start conversations about Beautiful Day and similar organizations. We give the basic information about Beautiful Day and what they do but we want to provoke conversations about their work.
This student work is the result of an assignment in the 6th grade classrooms of the Barrington Middle School's Lime Cluster Students who were asked to complete a weekly journal documenting how COVID 19 was impacting their lives from March-June during…
This student work was the final assignment for a 6th Grade Social Studies Class at De La Salle Middle School. Students were required to create a minimum 3-5 slide presentation concerning a variety of topics about life in quarantine and online…
Keep the Window Wide: I Blame the Quarantine is a project that I began the moment classes at Rhode Island College were shifted to online learning March, 2020. I'm an English professor at RIC, and I teach creative writing. I wanted to be sure not to…
A 7th grader's response to write a letter to your future self from before the quarentine all about COVID and civil unrest in 2020 and a photo documentary on google docs showing common quarentine items
A collage depicting the isolation of lockdown and remote learning during Covid-19; connected to the solidary and digital unity of the share experience.
My experience with Covid learning was largely bad. I struggled to pay attention in…
This student work is the result of an assignment in the 2nd grade classrooms of the Henry Barnard School. Students were asked to complete a time capsule with their families from March-May during the stay-at-home order. Declan's project also included…