Browse Items (425 total)

A batch of completed masks for lifespan health system. Part of the SewHope SNE group.

James, age 12, learned to sew masks for healthcare workers

Cece, age 11, sews masks for nurses

Presenting historic items & exhibits through images & online will be the new normal.

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Who knew so many people still sewed. Mask making is the new bandage rolling.

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Young adults dress up in darkly humored costumes to deliver birthday presents to the cousins they cannot visit in person.

Wishing stone farm announced that they had set up a system for contacts socially distance vegetable buying. The event was in Enormously successful. The line stretched from the Farm stand to the road. This is currently on going.

COVID19 I Wear My POSTER.jpg
I created this poster to raise awareness of the challenges facing all of us, and promote messages about what we have to do and how we can get through this time together while also trying to have a a little fun doing it.

Signs on the doors of a RIPTA bus in Kennedy Plaza instruct riders in English and Spanish to "Wear a Mask" / "Cubrirse La Cara."

A neighbor offering free masks. Phone number redacted for privacy.
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