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A 7th grader's response to write a letter to someone living in the year 2120 explaining the experience of COVID 19 in 2020
A 7th grader's response to write a letter to your past self from before the quarentine and a letter to your future self from next year
A 7th grader's response to write a letter to someone living in the year 2120 explaining the experience of COVID 19 in 2020

This is about the best time I had during my first quarantined summer.

It explains what ive been doing during covid-19 quarintine and what I think of it

WMS_Samantha Stotler.pdf
Past self, future self

WMS_Vaibhavi Mandalam.pdf
Vai's explanation of her days during the pandemic
A day in the life of a middle school student.

This video was created for a social studies assignment given to help the De La Salle 8th grade students reflect on the unusual and historic situation brought about by the COVID 19 pandemic. One goal of the project was to give the students a way to…

This video was created for a social studies assignment given to help the De La Salle 8th grade students reflect on the unusual and historic situation brought about by the COVID 19 pandemic. One goal of the project was to give the students a way to…
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