Browse Items (19 total)

Set It Free-compressed.mp3
The third of Salkind's daily recordings sent over email to participants of PPL's Adaptive Practices series. The recording was published to Soundcloud where listeners could leave comments on the mix itself. Salkind prompted listeners, While listening,…

In his project "Hold the Portal Open" - part of PPL's Adaptive Practices series in Spring 2020 - Micah Salkind created a series of audio recordings and published them on Soundcloud. This is a recording of the culiminating event held on Zoom in which…
Front yard birthday concert for a neighbor. By Community Music Works!
This student work is the result of an assignment in the 6th grade classrooms of the Barrington Middle School's Lime Cluster Students who were asked to complete a weekly journal documenting how COVID 19 was impacting their lives from March-June during…

This student work was the final assignment for a 6th Grade Social Studies Class at De La Salle Middle School. Students were required to create a minimum 3-5 slide presentation concerning a variety of topics about life in quarantine and online…

This student work was the final assignment for a 6th Grade Social Studies Class at De La Salle Middle School. Students were required to create a minimum 3-5 slide presentation concerning a variety of topics about life in quarantine and online…

Minuet in G final.mp4
This is a performance of Minuet in G played remotely on and recorded live using Zoom.

BENEATH A SILENT BLUE SKY: United in COVID-19 Isolation for an Interfaith Commemoration of Holocaust Remembrance Day: Artists unite in spirit, forming a virtual choir from their respective self-isolations, during the coronavirus pandemic, for an…

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