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Signs at Warwick Supercuts.jpg
I spotted this array of COVID-related window signs at a Supercuts in Warwick, in late October 2020.

An Unsilly Woman.VWhite.5.4.2021.png
This is an essay that I wrote for the Brown University Staff Art Exhibition "After Hours," which can be viewed at My essay correlates the effects of the isolation…

Just trump billboard.JPG
Frustrated with four years of Trump and his administration, I crowd funded the money to have this billboard I designed put up in downtown Providence. It was up through the elections.

I created this watercolor painting about how I get news from my computer, and about how concerned I am about my family in New York and Florida. This has been one heck of a year already, so I wonder constantly what will come next. As you may see, a…

Creating art is an easy way to lose myself for an hour or two. No online meetings, no emails, a break from the stress of working from home. This charcoal drawing is titled "Miles to Go" and is a combination shout out to Robert Frost and a comment on…

Fred Ordoñez_ In her rush to reopen, Governor Raimondo puts the poor and people of color at risk – Uprise RI.pdf
The entire world knew the type of shutdowns necessary to prevent unnecessary Covid19 deaths, but our politicians decided to play politics instead

These photographs document COVID-19 testing at Asthenis Pharmacy on Cranston Street in Providence. Pharmacist Dr. Eugenio Fernandez Jr. performs the BinaxNOW rapid test for free on behalf of the Rhode Island Department of Health.

During the time of COVID, with many Old Lesbians experiencing an extra layer of isolation, I began to think about how to use my camera to make visible the many Old Lesbians in Rhode Island who, even in the best of times, can be ignored or remain…

Photo of the Avon Cinema marquee reading "Our 82nd Anniversary! We Will Be Back Stay Healthy."

COVID Avon.jpg
I took this photo of my beloved Avon Cinema in late March, when the COVID lockdown was still relatively new. The marquee reads: "OUR 82ND ANNIVERSARY! WE WILL BE BACK. STAY HEALTHY."
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