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COVID sucker punch_72.jpg
One of the pages of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020. In this case, we see Trump giving the Statue of Liberty a punch in the face, showing his disdain for our American values.

Viking Jesus_72.jpg
An image I created for the Rhode Island band, Viking Jesus, for an upcoming album. The image was inspired by this whole crummy year.

A letter_72.jpg
Thoughts for our friends and family who have died.

Eight gates finished cover.jpg
The artwork I did for album, Eight Gates, from Jason Molina.

Thinking on Travis and all those who miss him_72.jpg
A piece made after the death of my friend, Travis Nelson. That's him in the middle.

Sneak preview of our Olneyville Walking Tour - Summer Camp 2020.mp4
During the Summer 2020, we were able to hold summer camp with young people grades 5-12 to create a walking tour of Olneyville.

Jake Pietroniro, Viola Fellow at Community MusicWorks, shares his experience in virtual learning.

My family was driving through Exeter, RI in December when we stumbled upon the most fabulously ridiculous driveway to a home. Signs beckoned us in. Other signs instructed us to tune our radios to 106.1FM which greeted us with holiday music cheer.…

Against the darkness of winter and the gloom of the pandemic, so many houses in our neighborhood put up holiday lights early and many are over the top. I see it as a symbol of hope and inspiration for the new year, 2021!

A week ago Friday my neighbor Jean Carlos was killed outside our home on the south side of Providence. While I didn't know him personally, you didn't need to know Jean Carlos to see what a good man he was and attentive father to his young son --…
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