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Having a baby during COVID.

Ashley & Charlie.jpg
My experience with the pandemic would be being stressed out and isolated from friends and family. The masks has made it hard for me to communicate with others by not hearing well and maintaining my mask on all the time while being around others.…
My family and I drove inside the Roger Williams Zoo while watching the holiday lights. It was so much fun :)

Photo of the Avon Cinema marquee reading "Our 82nd Anniversary! We Will Be Back Stay Healthy."

A group for those who 3D print based in Rhode Island. Created to help bring individuals, teams, companies, and researchers together to pool and share resources and experience to print critical items for essential workers.

The corona virus pandemic…

This is one page of an ongoing journal that has been written for 45 years so far.

how covid-19 began to effect my life


It explains what ive been doing during covid-19 quarintine and what I think of it

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