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This is one page of an ongoing journal that has been written for 45 years so far.

What Cheer Writers Club General Manager Jillian Winters prepares a mailing designed to keep local writers connected and inspired through the pandemic during a Staff Work Day at Lippitt Memorial Park.

Kids are visiting their grandparents house outside because they can’t visit inside. Trying to spread some cheer to them.
Amelia - 9
Will- 7
Henry - 4
From Cumberland, RI visiting grandparents (outside) in North Attleboro, MA

COVID Lafeyette Square_72.jpg
One of the pages of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020. In this case what many of the Black Lives Matter protests looked like.

Surrounding the solitary brazier are a field of luminaria, each memorializing a Rhode Island soul lost to COVID-19. Beginning on April 16, 2020, the community is invited to join at 8:30 p.m. EDT each evening as we honor and celebrate the lives of…

Line of voters waiting to vote early at Providence City Hall. People were lined up around the building staying socially distanced in order to vote early in the presidential election.

There are a number of large old trees in my yard, and while working from home over the past few months I've been able to observe all of the local wildlife more closely. I was never a birdwatcher before, but lately I've been awed by the variety of…

When things started to look bad, Little Compton Historical Society decided to make simple Two-Minute-Tours of the Wilbor House Museum and other local historic sites in an effort to stay engaged with the organization's audience and provide a little…

A little free library on Pleasant Valley Parkway in Providence, set up while public libraries are closed due to coronavirus.
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