Aerial drawing of a house during March 2020 depicting COVID surround the home and questioning if COVID is in different areas inside. This item was contributed in person to a collective binder at the ehibition Picturing the Pandemic: Images from the…
Portrait posted to Instagram as part of the @mask_up_ri initiative created by StyleWeek Northeast (@styleweek), RMO Public Relations (@rmopublicrelations), Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau (@goprovidence) and Rhode Island Commerce…
Gracias por agencias como ONE Neighborhood Builders, fui aprobado para una computadora portátil gratuita proporcionada por RI Commerce. Mi computadora me ayuda a promocionar mi negocio en redes sociales como Facebook para atraer nuevos clientes. Mi…
Portrait posted to Instagram as part of the @mask_up_ri initiative created by StyleWeek Northeast (@styleweek), RMO Public Relations (@rmopublicrelations), Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau (@goprovidence) and Rhode Island Commerce…
Portrait posted to Instagram as part of the @mask_up_ri initiative created by StyleWeek Northeast (@styleweek), RMO Public Relations (@rmopublicrelations), Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau (@goprovidence) and Rhode Island Commerce…
Portrait posted to Instagram as part of the @mask_up_ri initiative created by StyleWeek Northeast (@styleweek), RMO Public Relations (@rmopublicrelations), Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau (@goprovidence) and Rhode Island Commerce…