This notice from Dr. Nicole Alexander-Scott, Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health, was put on the windshield of my car sometime during work yesterday. I was parked outside of the Rhode Island Historical Society on Hope Street in…
Photograph of Joan Alfano modeling her PPE before she started testing every patient and employee at Grace Barker Health - the nursing home she works at in Warren. They don't have any cases of COVID yet. This is a precautionary measure to see where…
This item was contributed in person to a collective binder at the exhibition Picturing the Pandemic: Images from the Pandemic Journaling Project and the Rhode Island COVID-19 Archive.
this mask, which takes filter inserts and has a nose clip, was made my best friend in Maine. She won first at a Maine state fair in quilting the previous year. It's embroidered with my full name - perhaps in case my corpse needs to be identified?-…
Portrait posted to Instagram as part of the @mask_up_ri initiative created by StyleWeek Northeast (@styleweek), RMO Public Relations (@rmopublicrelations), Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau (@goprovidence) and Rhode Island Commerce…