War Issue (April 2022)

War Issue 4_22.pdf


War Issue (April 2022)


This issue is devoted to war, not only in foreign lands but war against our own citizens by depriving them of civil rights and particularly the vote, their most precious possession. Strange that war arrives just as winter is ending and spring is on the way. There is a terrible sadness to this because as the planet wakes up, there should be rejoicing. But that is not to be in 2022. One would have thought that a third year of a pandemic was enough for us to deal with. In most respects we can forgive Gaia for natural disasters, but there is no way to excuse human beings who turn away from what is good, in order to pursue evil aims. It is nothing new—but one might have hoped that by this time, with all our cultural and scientific advances, that we could exhibit more of what was best in us. In advance I apologize if in any way it appears that I am trivialize the current calamity which faces millions of people. I can only write about what I know or at least perceive. And if I appear to be too opinionated, it is just a rashness brought on by current events.


Geoffrey Gibbs


April 2022




Kingston, RI


Geoffrey Gibbs, “War Issue (April 2022),” Rhode Island COVID-19 Archive, accessed October 5, 2024, https://ricovidarchive.org/index.php/items/show/8452.

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