Hockey Pandemic Poem


Hockey Pandemic Poem


This was a poem written by a hockey mom team manager as part of an end-of-the-year gift to 14-year-old hockey boys from the Providence Hockey Club Tier 1 07 team.


Jennifer Scott




A Hockey Pandemic
By: Jennifer Scott

A Hockey Pandemic
Oh, it was so systemic
They said Oh you can play, Oh you can not,
But you must wear masks each and every day
You can not breathe you say, oh that's ok

No checking, no face-offs, no bags
No dressing in the locker room
What, you say? This is not hockey, no way!
Dress in the cold, carry your equipment on your stick
Pretend the rules do not exist.
What? No, not ok, high school is on the way.

Our team was low on players,
Then they took our out of staters.
What will we do? How will we play?
Whose quarantined? Who got injured or hurt?
What will we do? How will we play?

We’ll reunite with hockey brothers from times past
We’ll do what it takes
We just want to play
It doesn’t matter, it will be ok

We miss our teammates
We’ll stay united and no one will get in our way
Because X-box will save the day

Some have been here four years or more
And some have come just through the door.
No matter the time or length
Memories were made and that we can not forget

We will always remember the Thanksgiving Tournaments,
The bowling, the arcades, the knee and street hockey,
Rollerblading, parties, and friendships we have made
Because these memories will never fade

This is not goodbye, because many of us will meet again
On the ice together as teammates or as opponents,
As friends, or X-box buddies

2020- 2021 you might have caused us strife,
But it doesn’t matter because we are hockey brothers for life.



March 2021


Rhode Island


Jennifer Scott, “Hockey Pandemic Poem,” Rhode Island COVID-19 Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,



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