Life on pause


Life on pause


A view of quarantine






Life On Pause
We left school that Friday thinking we would meet again in two weeks. Before we got a chance to blink two weeks became two months and the exciting end to our school year is nothing more than too much blue light and searching the house looking for comfort and security only to find news stations blasting the same news of sickness and loss.
New beginnings that once looked so bright fell dark as the world we knew so well changed overnight. The naive faith that I had in people diminished when rather then unity, there was hate and selfishness. Social media flooded with celebrities preaching “stay home” as nurses bonded with their children through glass doors with the intention of keeping them safe. Even phone calls and texting could only last me so long as I fell into the dark abyss of my own thoughts. Conversations get formed from life stories and experiences but with life on pause, the supply of positive things to talk about is slowly shrinking.
At the beginning of quarantine, I was bright-eyed with new ideas of recipes and projects but with no one to share my thoughts and creations with my motivation is wearing thin. Never did I think I would live in a time where I cant go visit my grandparents and go places with my friends. The feeling of invincibility that I carried proudly from my youth was stolen from me and will never return. It’s funny how much you can enjoy being a homebody and an introvert until you have to be. Before this, I was never too much of one for going out and doing things, but I have always taken for granted the luxury of getting to do things.
I feel like I have changed as a person during the time we have been kept home, even if only little changes. I have also gotten to meet some pretty rad new people and even though I have been in school with many of them for years, the boredom and interest we share has only now brought us together. So while it’s easy to be disappointed of what is being canceled and postponed, it’s important to look back on these times and to realize some good that has come out of this because when it comes down to it I’m sure we all have a pretty good quarantine memory or two.




Anonymous, “Life on pause,” Rhode Island COVID-19 Archive, accessed October 5, 2024,


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