7th Grade Poem


7th Grade Poem


Tai Mertes


First we hear
“Virus in Wuhan”
And we think it will blow over
Soon enough

Then we see
“Virus spreading”
But it hasn’t touched us yet
And so we pay no mind

And then other places
Begin to lock down
Because of this thing
We thought would blow over
Soon enough

So when it hits the U.S.
We look to the media
But we don’t find helpful coverage

We find what the media tells us
We look and see
Bad news
Bad things
Or people ignoring the global crisis

It seems there’s no middle ground
It’s either people telling us
The world is gonna end
Or people completely oblivious
With their backs turned
To the situation

No one tells us how
If we follow what the government says
If we do what we are supposed to
Then the world will begin to heal

Not just from the virus
But from everything we have done

If we stop
Just for a moment
And wait until we are allowed to come outside

Then the earth
Will gain strength again.




Gordon School 7th Grade


First hearing about the virus


Tai Mertes, “7th Grade Poem,” Rhode Island COVID-19 Archive, accessed October 5, 2024, https://ricovidarchive.org/index.php/items/show/255.



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