Dear Future Generations


Dear Future Generations




Dear Future Generations,
Hey. You guys are probably not even gonna see this, because the internet is likely to flat-out die, and coding is going to be reinvented with a new and much better system, and one day you're going to dig up a computer and be really, really confused. Or maybe not. I don't know- I'm just writing about whatever pops into my head at the time. So basically, I'm an 8th grader who's stuck in quarantine.
It's not fun anymore.
Have you ever gotten to a point when you're flat-out trapped inside you're own head? It's really scary, actually. That's why on average, after finishing online schoolwork I spend a flat-out four hours watching TV so I don't have to face life. Which is pretty stupid, I know, but even someone on the anti-social side like me starts to miss talking to people. Like, real people outside of the family, really bad.
I'm a rock climber (v6 is my top grade) and we're absoloutly going INSANE. There are an absolute ton of climbers out there learning how to perform heel hooks and edging on countertops, toe hooks under tables, and taking advantage of decorative doorframes and hinges just to get off the ground. Right now, I'm begging my parents to let me design and build a small wall in the basement because I'm going INSANE.
I think that's all I have to say, but I'll try for a poem of sorts:
back and forth
Long time
Never ending
Trapped in your mind
nowhere to hide
make peace with yourself
be at home in your head
remember why you try
in the first place
Okay there, I don't know if it really qualifies as a poem, but I'm just going to go with it.




Stuck at home, Warwick


It's just me writing to myself, to no one, and to everyone. Yes, that means you, if you want to.
I wonder how long it's been.
(btw I tried to put the location at "goddard park" And the map is completly wrong I think


Anonymous, “Dear Future Generations,” Rhode Island COVID-19 Archive, accessed October 5, 2024,


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