Living through COVID


Living through COVID


Celeste Rosales




As far as I can remember, there has never been a time where I have had to be away from my family and those I love. I have always been able to see them as frequently or as little as I wanted.

The future of the world/planet seems so uncertain at this time and it’s hard to predict what’s in store... I do think that things will get worse before they get better.

One of the dreams I have for my child is definitely a world without covid and so many restrictions. I dream of the day where we/he can go outside again and not have to wear a mask, or not have to be so aware of not touching surfaces, and having to maintain distance from others.

For future generations, I would like them to know that this year has been one of the hardest we’ve had to endure. (In my opinion)... I would also like for them to keep this year in the back of their minds, just incase something like this were to ever happen again they can be better prepared.

My relationship with uncertainty can be labeled as tragic. I dislike not knowing or not being able to envision what will happen next. It’s definitely not a good feeling.

Distance seems unbelievably hard right now. Ever since covid started I think we have all become a lot more conscious about those we can’t see or talk to due to the distance.

In regards to time, there are days that seem to fly by for me and there are also days that feel extremely long.

Thankfully everyone who I would consider essential in my life are near by and with the help of technology we have been able to maintain contact.

My house definitely feels crowded. Although there aren’t many of us in the home, there are days when there doesn’t seem to be enough space for everyone. Seeking alone time for me usually looks like taking a drive, or sitting in my basement for a little bit.

Something kind that my son and I did recently was to empty out his toy boxes and donate them ! Especially with Christmas being around the corner it was the perfect time.

A message that I would tell myself a year ago would be, to appreciate the time I have with others a little more.

things that I’m worried about would be;
My child’s academic journey
My family’s well being
My place of employment
The future

Things that I am grateful for;
Having family close by
All of us within the household being healthy
Having steady income
Having food on the table






RICA Project Coordinator, “Living through COVID,” Rhode Island COVID-19 Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,


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