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This student work was the final assignment for a 6th Grade Social Studies Class at De La Salle Middle School. Students were required to create a minimum 3-5 slide presentation concerning a variety of topics about life in quarantine and online…

Bob McMahon on COVID-19.mp4
a light hearted look at an everyday family coping with COVID-19
This student work is the result of an assignment in the 6th grade classrooms of the Barrington Middle School's Lime Cluster Students who were asked to complete a weekly journal documenting how COVID 19 was impacting their lives from March-June during…

Polly and Jeremy allen organized a no contact drive by Easter bunny visit tour throughout all of Little Compton on Easter Sunday morning. Community members were able to track the bunny in real time using Google Maps and waited to see the bunny at the…

Community volunteers organized a drive-by Easter hunt for children to enjoy from their family cars. This was the display in front of the Little Compton Historical Society.

Our family getting together for an hour or so before we all had Easter at our different houses instead of getting together.

This student work was the final assignment for a 6th Grade Social Studies Class at De La Salle Middle School. Students were required to create a minimum 3-5 slide presentation concerning a variety of topics about life in quarantine and online…

This student work was the final assignment for a 6th Grade Social Studies Class at De La Salle Middle School. Students were required to create a minimum 3-5 slide presentation concerning a variety of topics about life in quarantine and online…

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