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My family was driving through Exeter, RI in December when we stumbled upon the most fabulously ridiculous driveway to a home. Signs beckoned us in. Other signs instructed us to tune our radios to 106.1FM which greeted us with holiday music cheer.…

Thinking on Travis and all those who miss him_72.jpg
A piece made after the death of my friend, Travis Nelson. That's him in the middle.

Eight gates finished cover.jpg
The artwork I did for album, Eight Gates, from Jason Molina.

A letter_72.jpg
Thoughts for our friends and family who have died.

Viking Jesus_72.jpg
An image I created for the Rhode Island band, Viking Jesus, for an upcoming album. The image was inspired by this whole crummy year.

COVID sucker punch_72.jpg
One of the pages of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020. In this case, we see Trump giving the Statue of Liberty a punch in the face, showing his disdain for our American values.

COVID George Floyd_72.jpg
One of the pages of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020. This page recreates the horrible scene we saw of the police officer killing George Flyod.

COVID Super spreader rally_72.jpg
two of the pages of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020. These two pages capture a crowd at a MAGA rally, spreading the virus.

COVID wildfire_72.jpg
One of the pages of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020. In this case, the wildfires that were all over California.

COVID 12 more years_72.jpg
One of the pages of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020. This page chronicling Trump's announcement that he should just continue being President.
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