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An illustration by a 7th grade student of some of the images that come to mind during the 2020 quarentine in RI
A 7th grader's response to write a letter to someone living in the year 2120 explaining the experience of COVID 19 in 2020

This student work is the result of an assignment in the 2nd grade classrooms of the Henry Barnard School. Students were asked to complete a time capsule with their families from March-May during the stay-at-home order. This student's project includes…

Lauren reflects on her discovery about herself

This edition of the Laurelmead Journal includes creative writing and contributions from residents of Laurelmead Apartments - a senior living facility in Providence, RI. The contents include "Heptacodium Miconiodes" by Peg Megowan; "Toe-dancing in…

This edition of the Laurelmead Journal includes creative writing and contributions from residents of Laurelmead Apartments - a senior living facility in Providence, RI. The contents include "First Frenchie" by Marj Jaffe; "First Job" by Rob Bruno;…
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