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Margaret Mashamba - Part III Unit 1 Assessment.pdf
A personal essay exploring the march of the Black Death in comparison to the spread of Covid-19.

Manuel tells us what it was like to experience the COVID lockdown in the Dominican Republic

Westminster Street in Providence at sundown, so deserted and quiet that all that can be heard is the robin’s evening song.

Write Rhode Island’s COVID-19 flash non-fiction program Our Lives Now, a co-creation of School One and local authors Hester Kaplan and Taylor Polites, invites young people in grades 7 through 12 in the state of Rhode Island to submit a 400-word…

This student work was the final assignment for a 6th Grade Social Studies Class at De La Salle Middle School. Students were required to create a minimum 3-5 slide presentation concerning a variety of topics about life in quarantine and online…

[Untitled] (4) (dragged) 17.pdf
Child's drawing of a person wearing a mask. This item was contributed in person to a collective binder at the exhibition Picturing the Pandemic: Images from the Pandemic Journaling Project and the Rhode Island COVID-19 Archive.

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