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Inspired by Lynda Barry’s COVID diary, which appeared in the New York Times on May 8th 2020, I decided to keep my own collage diary. I began with the simple prompt, “When did this become real for you?” Some chaotic impressions tumble out on that…

Manuel tells us what it was like to experience the COVID lockdown in the Dominican Republic

We created this pinata to get out our frustrations about being confined under COVID, and our grief over the unnecessary loss of life

Minuet in G final.mp4
This is a performance of Minuet in G played remotely on and recorded live using Zoom.

COVID shopper_72.jpg
One of the pages of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020

COVID Super spreader rally_72.jpg
two of the pages of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020. These two pages capture a crowd at a MAGA rally, spreading the virus.

Covid Testing in garage at Rhode Island Hospital

This is a sign for COVID "Surveillance Testing" ("for people that are asymptomatic only") that I saw on Benefit Street, outside the entrance to the RISD Museum

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During the stay-at-home order, my dining room has been converted into a home office / sewing room / greenhouse. I'm very lucky to have a view past my vegetable seedlings & neighbors houses to get a glimpse of the Providence River. For the past…
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