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Write Rhode Island’s COVID-19 flash non-fiction program Our Lives Now, a co-creation of School One and local authors Hester Kaplan and Taylor Polites, invites young people in grades 7 through 12 in the state of Rhode Island to submit a 400-word…

Empty toilet paper aisle at Stop & Shop on Manton Ave in Providence

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A text conversation between me and my brother was interrupted by an Emergency Alert to all RI cell phones telling us to not to gather in large groups due to COVID-19.

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I've been working from home in my living room and watching people walk past on the sidewalk. I put up this sign in my front window (BETTER DAYS ARE AHEAD) for people to see, after seeing a similar one in a house in my neighborhood of Oak Hill,…

Marquee of the Columbus Theater in Providence reads: "Stay Home / Stay Safe, Stay Informed,"

Zoom meeting of staff at Providence Public Library while the library is closed because of Covid-19.

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Closed sign on the fence of the Pawtuxet Village Playground in Cranston RI during the Covid-RI crisis.
This student work was the final assignment for a 6th Grade Social Studies Class at De La Salle Middle School. Students were required to create a minimum 3-5 slide presentation concerning a variety of topics about life in quarantine and online…

The pandemic prevented my family and I from being together, especially for very important events. This past summer, my cousin married the love of her life in Guatemala. She and I always talked about being in each other's wedding; to be each other's…

This was completed as an assignment for LCS220, Creativity and the Arts, as a possible mural design expressing what students were feeling at the time.
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