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Wearing a mask made in Tulsa (by my girlfriend's sister, who has been sending them out to lots of folks) and a COVD-19 "Six Feet Away or Six Feet Under" t-shirt by Dani Rachmann, a Los Angeles tattoo artist.

I don't live in Rhode Island but I…

This was my first mask attempt and I wanted to be part of images showing a diverse population wearing masks at this time. This was featured on maskupri.

A sign from the City of Providence reading: "Parks closed until further notice" hangs on a chain blocking the lower entry to Prospect Terrace Park in Providence. The sign is in English and Spanish. The monument to Roger Williams inside the park is…

When my husband got to the point that he realized he wasn’t going to be back into the office for a long time.

This is the mask I wear to the grocery store - I hope it makes people laugh! Or hungry?

I drew a bunch of heart on my driveway this weekend. So they could a few seconds of happiness in there day

@Mask_up_RI is an initiative by GoProvidence and StyleWeek to encourage RI'ers to be proud of wearing face coverings. This is a selfie I took wearing a mask that I sewed myself.

2020-04-21 17.01.10.jpg
I'm going to the grocery store every two weeks to stock up. Even in late April, the Stop & Shop near my house is struggling to keep things like frozen food in stock.

We created this temporary chalk drawing to recognize the work of nurses and other first responders, and especially our friend Amy who is an ER nurse at Miriam Hospital

We created this and other temporary chalk drawings as a way to cheer people up when they were out walking in the community.
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