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Dr. Susan Grossman, an associate professor in the Department of Social Work at Providence College, shares her experience teaching and living through the pandemic. She describes how she has spent most of the pandemic in New York City, how she has…

Estarlyn Hiraldo, a senior socialology major with minors in film studies and business innovation at Providence College, shared his story about his dramatically altered study abroad experience, his semester at home, and his transition back to school. …

Fr. Jordan Zajac, an English professor and friar at Providence College, shares his COVID-19 experience. He goes into detail on the way that the pandemic has affected his ordination to the priesthood, his ministry, and his teaching. The interview is…

Fr. Justin Bolger, O.P. serves as one of the campus ministers at Providence College. He discusses the ways that his ministry has adapted to the pandemic, including a golf cart serenade session, the new Hillbilly Thomists album, and challenges of…

Fr. Michael Weibley, O.P. teaches several sections of a theology class and works in the Office of Residence Life at Providence College. He explains his experience serving as an assistant chaplain during the onset of the pandemic, his new role in…

Fr. Nicanor Austriaco, O.P. is a professor of biology and theology at Providence College. He has spent most of the pandemic in the Philippines, teaching at the University of Santo Tomas, conducting research on a vaccine that does not require…

Fr. Patrick Briscoe, O.P. serves as one of the chaplains at Providence College. In recounting his experience with the pandemic, he shares his stories about being in New York when the Big East tournament was cancelled and the various digital…

Fr. Peter Gautsch, O.P. serves as one of the assistant chaplaiins at Providence College. In addition to administering the Sacraments and celebrating Mass, he helps oversee the Peer Ministry program on campus. Fr. Peter shares when and how he found…

Fr. Peter Martyr Yungwirth, O.P. serves as the chaplain at Providence College. He shares his experience adapting to online forms of worship, modifying his ministry and the other ministries within Campus Ministry, and his attempt at making chocolate…

Hanna Johnston, a senior psychology and health policy management major, discusses her experiences studying at home in Canada. She explains how she wrestled with choosing to study remotely and shares her unique perpsective of the pandemic as an…
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