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A photograph project, edited by Lisa Limer and designed by Jason Tranchida, that documents the impact of COVID-19 on Rhode Island’s capital city. Photographs submitted by residents of Providence were compiled with photographs by Lisa Limer from…

The City of Providence. The Lower Side of Providence.

So. At the beginning of Covid-19 the hoops were taking down due to the fact we all have to be 6 feet away and wearing mask. But just 2 weeks ago, I went by the Omar Polanco Basketball Court on…

Recent events in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic have highlighted the inequalities in our society. If all homo sapiens (ie humans) share the same emotions, then our actions, which are based on our emotions/feelings, should be the same when…

This was completed as an assignment for LCS220, Creativity and the Arts, as a possible mural design expressing what students were feeling at the time.

Empty shelves at East Side Marketplace

Murals on Westminster St.

Sign asking people to social distance while fishing

Measuring 8.25" x 11"
Mixed media on paper

During the isolations and lockdowns that happened with the onset of COVID-19, I created handmade postcards to send to folks who themselves were in the same situation as me. This is one such example of a postcard I made.

I have been making and sending a lot of mail art out to people while we all stay in isolation or lockdown. This was a hand drawn postcard I made for Austin, Texas artist, Thor Harris.
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