Segue Institute for Learning


Segue Institute for Learning


Humanities teachers John Rosenbaum, Joshua Chevalier, and Caely Flynn, asked students from Segue Institute for Learning in Central Falls to choose from several different projects in order to document their experiences and reflect on life during the Spring of 2020 during the height of the Covid-19 quarantine. Central Falls was especially hard hit by the Covid-19 outbreak

Collection Items

Segue Institute for Learning logo
The logo of the Segue Institute for Learning in Central Falls, R.I.

A Letter to my Older Self
A 7th grader's response to write a letter to your future self to be read a year from now

My Photo Documentary
A detailed photo documentary by a 7th grade student with very interesting takes on common 2020 quarentine items and the meaning behind them

Photo Documentary
A google doc set of photos and descriptions for a 7th grade student's experience during quarentine

A Letter to my Past and Future Self
A 7th grader's response to write a letter to your past self from before the quarentine and a letter to your future self from next year

A letter to Myself
A 7th grader's response to write a letter to your past self from before the quarentine and a letter to your future self from next year

Everyday Items that Have Taken on a New Meaning during COVID-19
A google slide set of photos and descriptions for a 7th grade student's experience during quarentine

A Letter to my Past and Future Self
A 7th grader's response to write a letter to your past self from before the quarentine and a letter to your future self from next year

Quarantine Photo Documentary! June, 2020
A google slide set of photos and descriptions for a 7th grade student's experience during quarentine

A Letter to someone in 100 years
A 7th grader's response to write a letter to someone living in the year 2120 explaining the experience of COVID 19 in 2020
View all 22 items

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