Adaptive Practices: Six Artists Redefine Isolation and Distraction


Adaptive Practices: Six Artists Redefine Isolation and Distraction


Adaptive Practices was an interactive project developed at PPL in the spring of 2020 as the pandemic necessitated closing public spaces and prohibited public gatherings. In March, as we considered how PPL might re-imagine our programming to both reflect and work within the perimeters of this new reality, we talked with our cadre of  Creative Fellows: Laura Brown-Lavoie, Becci Davis, Kelly Eriksen, Keri King, Walker Mettling, and Micah Salkind, six artists and creators who had each worked on a long-term, original project within our Special Collections. We thought about how, as artists, their endeavors often encompassed venturing into the unknown, enduring “fallow” periods of reflection and synthesis in which no immediate “product” would result, and working in solitude when research or experimentation was necessary. So we asked them to share their work with us in a way that would allow us to see and maybe even experience how they navigate and negotiate these conditions of uncertainty and unfamiliarity, and the result was this project.


Providence Public Library

Collection Items

Adaptive Practices
Logo used by PPL to advertise the Adaptive Practices program series.

A Durational & Isolational Birthday Celebrational, Zoom Show and Tell and Question and Answer workshop
In his project "A DURATIONAL & ISOLATIONAL BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONAL" for PPL's Adaptive Practices program series in Spring 2020, artist Walker Mettling streamed a 24 hour drawing session held in his front doorway to celebrate his 40th birthday. This is…

Tapping Ritual film series, Part 3, with voice over recording.
In her project "Tapping Rituals" - part of PPL's Adaptive Practices series in Spring 2020 - Keri King created three films of how her tap dancing practice evolved to meet social distancing requirements during COVID-19. Each of her films include two…

Tapping Ritual film series, Part 3
In her project "Tapping Rituals" - part of PPL's Adaptive Practices series in Spring 2020 - Keri King created three films of how her tap dancing practice evolved to meet social distancing requirements during COVID-19. Each of her films include two…

Tapping Ritual film series, Part 2, with voice over recording.
In her project "Tapping Rituals" - part of PPL's Adaptive Practices series in Spring 2020 - Keri King created three films of how her tap dancing practice evolved to meet social distancing requirements during COVID-19. Each of her films include two…

Tapping Ritual film series, Part 2
In her project "Tapping Rituals" - part of PPL's Adaptive Practices series in Spring 2020 - Keri King created three films of how her tap dancing practice evolved to meet social distancing requirements during COVID-19. Each of her films include two…

Tapping Ritual film series, Part 1, with voice over recording.
In her project "Tapping Rituals" - part of PPL's Adaptive Practices series in Spring 2020 - Keri King created three films of how her tap dancing practice evolved to meet social distancing requirements during COVID-19. Each of her films include two…

Tapping Ritual film series, Part 1
In her project "Tapping Rituals" - part of PPL's Adaptive Practices series in Spring 2020 - Keri King created three films of how her tap dancing practice evolved to meet social distancing requirements during COVID-19. Each of her films include two…

How People Talk/A Composition of Conversations, part one workshop video
"n her project ""How People Talk"" - part of PPL's Adaptive Practices series in Spring 2020 - Ericksen presented two workshops. This recording is of the first workshop which took place on Zoom, the second was not recorded by request of the artist.…

The first of Salkind's daily recordings sent over email to participants of PPL's Adaptive Practices series. The recording was published to Soundcloud where listeners could leave comments on the mix itself. Salkind prompted listeners, "While listening…
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