Browse Items (31 total)

"Write Rhode Island's COVID-19 flash non-fiction program Our Lives Now, a co-creation of School One and local authors Hester Kaplan and Taylor Polites, invites young people in grades 7 through 12 in the state of Rhode Island to submit a 400-word…

Write Rhode Island's COVID-19 flash non-fiction program Our Lives Now, a co-creation of School One and local authors Hester Kaplan and Taylor Polites, invites young people in grades 7 through 12 in the state of Rhode Island to submit a 400-word…

Life Lesson
A paper that I couldn't write all my thoughts down on.

I am Paul Cuffee 2020

Deb Tanner SCVC Interview 10-27-2020.mp3
Interview between Sophia Richter and Debra Tanner on her personal experiences navigating healthcare during covid and the need she saw and responded to in the community. Debra is Development Director of the Southern Rhode Island Volunteers and…

Queer Archive Infographic.pdf
A collage depicting the isolation of lockdown and remote learning during Covid-19; connected to the solidary and digital unity of the share experience.

My experience with Covid learning was largely bad. I struggled to pay attention in…
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